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Array Cardio - Problem Set

      const data = [

        const inventors = [ { first: "Albert", last: "Einstein", year: 1879,
        passed: 1955 }, { first: "Isaac", last: "Newton", year: 1643, passed:
        1727 }, { first: "Galileo", last: "Galilei", year: 1564, passed: 1642 },
        { first: "Marie", last: "Curie", year: 1867, passed: 1934 }, { first:
        "Johannes", last: "Kepler", year: 1571, passed: 1630 }, { first:
        "Nicolaus", last: "Copernicus", year: 1473, passed: 1543 }, { first:
        "Max", last: "Planck", year: 1858, passed: 1947 }, { first: "Katherine",
        last: "Blodgett", year: 1898, passed: 1979 }, { first: "Ada", last:
        "Lovelace", year: 1815, passed: 1852 }, { first: "Sarah E.", last:
        "Goode", year: 1855, passed: 1905 }, { first: "Lise", last: "Meitner",
        year: 1878, passed: 1968 }, { first: "Hanna", last: "Hammarström", year:
        1829, passed: 1909 }, ];

        const people = [
  "Bernhard, Sandra",
  "Bethea, Erin",
  "Becker, Carl",
  "Bentsen, Lloyd",
  "Beckett, Samuel",
  "Blake, William",
  "Berger, Ric",
  "Beddoes, Mick",
  "Beethoven, Ludwig",
  "Belloc, Hilaire",
  "Begin, Menachem",
  "Bellow, Saul",
  "Benchley, Robert",
  "Blair, Robert",
  "Benenson, Peter",
  "Benjamin, Walter",
  "Berlin, Irving",
  "Benn, Tony",
  "Benson, Leana",
  "Bent, Silas",
  "Berle, Milton",
  "Berry, Halle",
  "Biko, Steve",
  "Beck, Glenn",
  "Bergman, Ingmar",
  "Black, Elk",
  "Berio, Luciano",
  "Berne, Eric",
  "Berra, Yogi",
  "Berry, Wendell",
  "Bevan, Aneurin",
  "Ben-Gurion, David",
  "Bevel, Ken",
  "Biden, Joseph",
  "Bennington, Chester",
  "Bierce, Ambrose",
  "Billings, Josh",
  "Birrell, Augustine",
  "Blair, Tony",
  "Beecher, Henry",
  "Biondo, Frank",